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purpose is to cultivate the labor view and labor habit of students, and to teach them some basic working skills. The working skills education can not only make ground for talent cultivation, but also prepare the students for later profession. The content of working skill course includes some basic skills in the production and service of industry or agriculture, commonweal labor, and vocational techniques.
       The exact course content varies according to the objective situation and the diversity in urban and rural areas. In high schools of counties and cities (including towns and city suburbs) should be opened agriculture course, or industry course; in the forest areas should be opened forest course; in the mine areas should be opened mineral course; in the cities should be opened industry, commerce, service or other vocational education courses. As for the commonweal labor, it is arranged according to practical situation and there is no difference of areas or grades. The content of vocational education is mainly basic skills with great adaptability, such as working types in industry: woodworking, metalworking, electrics, etc. and working types in agriculture: agronomy, farming, etc. The time for working skills education can be separate or continuous. It is regulated that there should

be 2 weeks for working skills education in high schools and 4 weeks in senior schools. In other administrative regions below county (including towns and city suburbs) should be opened courses on basic agriculture knowledge and skills, which should be combined with study of botany and zoology.
